Back to work today. I’m still in some sort of party mood after yesterday, but I’m mostly looking forward to tomorrow.. This day is just some sort of pause between two awesome days, that is clear.
For the first time there is a Belgian guest at DeVillage that I already knew before coming to Brasil. Jan, an employee of the RBFA whom I met at the Futsal Euro’s earlier this year, took some day’s off for the FIFA World Cup and is now staying here. Finally a familiar face. He immediately took the initiative to organize a volleyball game on our beachvolley pitch, but missed taking part in it as he had spent the day on some other beach playing beachvolleyball with some locals…
Apart from this, it was a pretty chill with some easy tasks on the camping and in the party area. Changing the linen on some beds, moving some stuff, breaking down some tents, stuff like that.
Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow will be epic. I still don’t get it, even if I got my tickets for the next two Belgian games today. I will be at the Maracaná tomorrow. The mythical Maracaná. Isn’t that great?!
Oh yeah, this evening there will be a concert of Black Box Revelation on the party tent. Looking forward to this! I’ve heard people talking about them before, but I don’t know any of their songs. I just don’t know if there will be another DJ afterwards, like Dave Lambert after the SX concert a couple of days ago?
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