Have I already told you that communication is an issue here? Multiple times? Okay, one more time then: it’s a problem. I’m talking about a pretty big surprise yesterday evening. As I had said, most of the work was done and we had been chilling and playing beach soccer on the beach. In the evening we organized a barbecue, “Ome Wim” made some caipirinha’s and we even had some cake as dessert.
After this, most of us went to a little bar further down the road. If I understood well, it was the same bar as the one we had gone to to watch the game between Brasil and Croatia in the beginning of the tournament. Most of us went there, but not all of us. Donna, Gabi, Renée, Kim, Koen, Kristof, Laurens and I stayed here in the party area. Just for some cosy chatting whilst having another caiprinha. Kristof and Laurens were looking into the options of going to see the quarter final game between Belgium and the USA, which was funny to watch as well.
And then, around 10.30pm, one of the security people came to us with a document. A reservation made by three people who would stay at DeVillage. And those three people were there, at the front desk, having booked one night, this night, here. We had no idea there would be some more people coming, all the others were gone (at the bar), so we had to improvise.. Gabi and I looked for some beds, Kim and Kristof went to welcome the guests and look for any tent that was available. In the meantime, Didier got back from Sao Paulo, just in time to be able to give his tent and bed to one of the guests.
So luckily, we had stayed at the camping lot or those guests would’ve been waiting there for a long time. Apparently there had been some misunderstandings in the communication with the travel agency. But anyway, those three Belgian guests didn’t mind and joined us at our table in the party area where Laurens made some cocktails for them as well. I went to bed around 1.30am, the others stayed up until 4, they told me today.
This morning we worked some more. Tearing down some tents, moving around some people (I am now in tent L106 instead of L100) and removing banners and signs. The DeVillage is returning to its original state of being ‘Camping Clube do Brasil’, but just a bit cleaner and with hot water in the showers.
Tonight again a lot of people went to that same bar, to celebrate Brasil’s victory against Chili, but again I stayed in. I was the only Belgian to do so, amongst Dutch colleagues. It was again a very nice evening. Nick and René set up a music quiz in about half an hour, with questions about eighties, nineties and nillies music, soundtracks, lyrics, and so on. Well done on such short notice!
I was in “Team Wout” and we ended up being third… (Third out of only four teams, but let’s forget about that!)
Tomorrow is going to be a bit less quiet.. Or at least, that’s what the Dutch are expecting. They already see themselves in the final, so they will definitely beat Mexico tomorrow. They are so sure of it that they are already buying tickets and making arrangements to go to both the semi-final and the final. Hopefully for them, they won’t be too disappointed tomorrow when they come back from Copacabana. I will be joining them by the way. FIFA Fan Fest, Copacabana, bar 4 is where we will meet. Maybe, just maybe, I will be wearing an orange t-shirt, if anyone has a spare one. And forces me to wear it, as maybe miracles do happen at the feet of Cristo Redentor…
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